Visser's Florist & Greenhouses
Visser's Florist & Greenhouses
Mother's Day is May 14th!

Why not send Mom a beautiful floral arrangement from Visser's Florist to show your love? Here are a few ideas...


Spring Garden Bouquet

Soft colors of pink, peach and yellow peruvian lilies share the spotlight in this garden. The vase is embossed with spring flowers and trimmed with handpainted leaves. Our Spring Garden bouquet makes a great presentation for Mother's Day, birthday or any special occasion.
Our Price: $39.99

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Laura Ashley Bouquet

Laura Ashley's "Emaline" design is the inspiration for this beautiful urn-shaped pedestal vase. Deep pink roses wind around the vase, reflecting the luscious shades of pink in the bouquet. Pink lisianthus, lily and peruvian lilies will delight your special lady, and she's sure to treasure the keepsake Laura Ashley vase.
Our Price: $49.99

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By sending beautiful, florist-delivered flowers, you can express your love to mom in a way she will surely appreciate. Unfortunately, we can't deliver on Sunday, May 14th. Please specify delivery for Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.


Ted Robinson
Visser's Florist & Greenhouses

phone: (714) 772 - 9900

Visser's Florist & Greenhouses | 701 W. Lincoln Ave. | Anahiem | CA | 92805